Cage the beautiful beasts that come back each year!
April 30, 2020
Cage your perennials and peonies. Our Gro-Rings are perfect to help large blooms remain upright.

Protect and Feed Trees and Shrubs
April 16, 2020
Ash/lilac borers overwinter as larvae in infested trees and shrubs. Moths generally begin to emerge in mid to late April. The moth has clear wings and resembles a wasp. A 2nd application should be given 4 weeks later. Grab one of our products to keep your trees and shrubs healthy and pest free!

Keep the weeds at bay!
April 09, 2020
Pre-emergent!! The best lawn care involves 5 steps throughout the year. The Redbuds are just thinking about blooming, which is an indicator of appropriate soil and air temperature. So it's not too late to apply Crabgrass Preventer and Lawn Fertilizer with Dimension.t interesting?

June 20, 2019
Grasshoppers are beginning to show up for the summer and can be damaging to forage and gardens. A simple insecticide labeled for grasshopper control is most effective when applied now, while they're still small in size and numbers.

June Bugs and Grubs
June 06, 2019
It's June, and fittingly, we just saw our first June bug of the year. What does that mean? They're going to be laying eggs in your grass, and those eggs turn in to grubs!
So now is a great time to get down grub control for your lawn, especially if you've had problems in the past, as it will help control both the new eggs as well as the existing grubs that may already be there.
Grub prevention ends a nasty cycle of plant destruction by being a double win! It keeps grubs from destroying your lawn AND from then later becoming June Bugs which typically eat tree foliage and fruits.

Monitoring Water Amounts for Hanging Pots
May 23, 2019
For those of you who have recently planted your flower planters, with the recent rains we've had, it's very important to be aware of how much you water them, as they will need to now dry out.
Here's why: The root systems are still getting established! When the sun decides to come out it will begin to dry the top layer of soil, but if they've received a lot of rain, the soil where all the roots are is likely still very damp. So if the top looks dry, be sure you feel the soil or lift the container to gauge how much rainwater your planters may still have.
Young plants won't need as much water as more mature plants, so adding too much will water-log the roots, cutting off oxygen and causing them to shut down.

Fruit Tree Protection
May 16, 2019
Be sure to keep up your preventative sprays to your fruit trees. Cedar Apple rust spores on Juipers are now enlarging into large orange masses where the wind will disperse the spores to their summer home on susceptible apple and crabapple trees. Use a fruit spray mixture containing a disease fighting fungicide for cedar-apple rust.
Want to know more? Come out and we'll get you all set up with what you need!

Take Cover!
May 09, 2019
TAKE COVER!! We're expected to have low temps right around freezing tonight. If you have delicate plants outside, either bring them in or cover them with anything to protect from the cold air. Things such as a light blanket, sheet, tarp, box, empty flower pot or bucket can all work.

Grow Rings
May 02, 2019
Get a Gro-Ring set-up soon for Peonies or other plants that need help staying up-right!
We carry 16" and 12" Grow-Throughs.

Planting Perennials
April 25, 2019
Now's the perfect time to plant Pansies and Perennials. Give them a good watering to get them off to a good start (avoid a drowning though). Then apply mulch to suppress the weeds and keep moisture in the ground.
Pick them up Sunday at our Open House! (10% off hanging baskets)

Pre-Emergent Application and Planting Certain Vegetables
April 18, 2019
We don't like crabgrass. We don't like weeds! With soil temps on the rise, bring them to their knees!
Now is the time to put down a pre-emergent to prevent weed and crabgrass growth. Most applications require them to be watered in before they start working.**Pro Tip - Many Pre-Emergents come with a fertilizer as well. If you didn't fertilize your lawn last fall, it would be a good idea to get a weed and feed type product. However if you did put down fertilizer last Oct/Nov, you can simply put down a straight pre-emergent and wait another few weeks before putting down a spring fertilizer.
**We have Hi-Yield Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper pre-emergent in 10,000 sqft coverage bags in stock now!**
And for those who have vegetable gardens, now is an ideal time to plant Onions, Broccoli, Cabbage and Potatoes.

Tree and Shrub Feeding and Protection
April 11, 2019
If you haven't already, once this crazy snow storm passes, now is time to start fertilizing trees, shrubs, and fruit bearing plants.
We recommend and sell Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect and Feed for the trees and shrubs. This not only provides a slow release feeding but also helps deliver 12 month protection from insects like Japanese Beetles and Emerald Ash Borers!
We also sell a 19-10-5 mix of tree food, specially formulated for Fruit, Citrus and Pecan trees.

Summer maintainence for roses, fruit trees and your lawn
June 21, 2018
-Fertilize Roses using 3-in-one (fertilizer, fungicide, insecticide)
-Spray fruit trees
-Fertilize cool season lawns with Ultimate All Seasons

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. A beautiful day for a neighbor.
June 14, 2018
I feel like sometimes in the hustle bustle of my greenhouse and growing season, I forgot to stop and appreciate the beauty of all the flowers.
(Even though National Neighbor Day isn't until September), now is a great time to cut a few of your fresh flowers and/or roses to put in a vase and impress your neighbor (or keep them yourself!!).

Deadheading Roses
June 07, 2018
-Trim off spent (deadhead) rose blossoms. Roses bloom more than most plants and so therefore have more deadhead blooms. Trimming off these old blooms helps keep the plant looking nice and also makes way for new blooms to grow!
For more details on how to do this, check out this video here.
-Spray fruit trees with needed pesticides to control insects and diseases
-Cut out flower stalks from peonies and iris, and trim back foliage from spring bulbs of they have dried up naturally

Sweet Corn, Sweet Pototoes, Spraying Fruit Trees & Spreading Mulch
May 31, 2018
As we sit on the final day of May and summer is right around the corner, we're entering in to the prime growing season.
-And speaking of summer, it's hard to beat home grown sweet corn! If you haven't planted it already, it's time to do so and for those that have already planted some, now is a great time for round two!
Pro Tip: If you stagger out when you plant your corn, you'll have fresh, ripe corn ready to pick all throughout later summer and fall!
-For potatoes, it's time to mound soil around the base of them to encourage tuber formation.
-Spray fruit tress with a complete fruit tree spray to control insects and disease
-Spread and lay mulch! With the summer heat comes faster evaporation. Spreading mulch around flowers, shrubs, trees, etc not only helps preserve moisture and keep the soil cooler but also suppresses weed growth!

Be a Rose Pro!
May 24, 2018
-Fertilize Roses. For this month, use Fertilome two-in-one Rose Food with systemic insecticide. Trim off spent blossoms, cut them down to the first five leaflet leaf. Pro Tip: I have found that roses will give the best show if they are fed monthly rather than every six weeks. I alternate between the Bayer All-in-one Flower Care and the Fertilome Rose & Flower Food or Bayer 2-in-1 (it helps keep the cost down!).
-Harvest Asparagus until the spear size decreases
-Be sure to remove the large seed stalk from the center of Rhubarb. This will encourage new leaf growth to continue producing
-Plant Trees and Shrubs

Planting Vining Crops
May 17, 2018
It's time to get your favorite vining crops in the ground. Squash, Pumpkins, Sweet Potatoes, Peppers, Melons, etc.
Remember, vining vegetables all love heat, so be sure and choose a full-sun area with plenty of space as they take up a large amount of room in a garden.
Plant seeds about 1 inch deep in the soil, and space them so they have room to ramble. For vining varieties, plant hills at least 6 to 10 feet apart. For bush varieties, plant seeds about 2 to 4 feet apart.
And for watering, a consistent supply of water is key. The general rule of thumb is ensure the soil is wet 6 inches deep.

Time to Get Your Grub Control On!
May 10, 2018
You know those annoying, pesky little June bugs that begin showing up later this summer? Well guess what? They start as Grubs!
So save your lawn today, and the bottom of your shoe this summer by applying Season Long Grub Control from Bayer Advanced.
It also controls mole crickets, European crane fly larvae, cinch bugs and Cutworms!
Pick up a bag today at Moonlight Gardens!
Find out more about mastering grub control, and using this product by clicking here.

55 Makes Mid-Season Vegetables Come Alive!
May 03, 2018
Time to get those mid season vegetables in the ground!
According to the weather data collected at the Northwest Research Extension Center in Colby, the soil temperate is now right at 55 degrees; the time when mid season vegetables such as tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers and sweet corn perform best!
We still have an excellent selection, so head on out to Moonlight where we have a full selection of all the great mid season vegetables!

Fertilized roses are red. Planted pansies are blue. I'm mulching my trees & shrubs, and you should too!
April 26, 2018
-Roses: Fertilize with 3-in-1 (fertilizer, insecticide, fungicide)
-Pansies and Perennials: time to plant!
-Trees and Shrubs: should now be mulched
-Fruit Trees: should now be sprayed!

Planting and Caring for Trees, & Lawn Pre-Emergent
April 19, 2018
-If you haven't yet applied pre-emergent to your lawn, it's not too late if you now apply a pre-emergent w/ Dimension. It has some post-emergent control to small crabgrass seedlings.
-Protect Ash trees and common lilac from borers by applying Bayer Tree & Shrub insect control w/ systemic imidadoprid
-Plant Trees!
-Plant any Asparagus, Rhubarb, or Strawberries

Fertilize Trees, Plant Cool Weather Vegetables & Prepare Ornamental Grasses
April 12, 2018
With spring in full swing (or supposed to be!) and things coming out of their dormancy, now is a great time to do the following:
- Cut ornamental grasses to within 4" from the ground
- Fertilize trees and shrubs, using Ultimate All Season
- Plant any cool season vegetables (where ideal growing begins when soil temperature reaches 40+ degrees), including onions, potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, lettuce, spinach, radishes.
- Spray fruit trees with fungicide

Pre-emergent, Fertilizer and Mulch
April 05, 2018
-As temps continue to warm, now is an ideal time to apply pre-emergent to lawns as this will be just before annual weeds, such as crabgrass, begin to grow this spring.
-Fertilizing tulips, daffodils and other spring flowering bulbs is also important, to prepare them for a season of growth
-Gradually begin removing mulch from strawberries and roses

Spring Fertilizing
March 08, 2018
As temperatures warm and spring rains near, now is a great time to put down fertilizer on spring bulbs (such as daffodils and tulips) and all trees.
For the spring bulbs, I recommend using a basic gardeners special, 20-20-20, and for trees, Ultimate All Seasons fertilizer, which is designed and formulated for Northwest Kansas soils.
Call me today to pick up a bag!

Spring Fruit Tree Maintainence
March 01, 2018
While trees are still dormant, now is a great time to spray your fruit trees (as well as roses and aspens) with Dormant Oil. Be sure the air temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
It's also an ideal time to prune/trim trees and scatter fertilizer around the base of them at the manufacturer's recommended rate.